Friday, October 07, 2005

I CAN DO IT...! Maybe later...

  • I have massive amounts of willpower, but I don't use it

If there is something that I really want to do, usually because I enjoy doing it, I will devote all my time and effort towards, bordering on obssession and insanity. Problem is these "moments" are rare and most of the time I just don't give a shit about whatever I'm doing to put some decent effort in. That's usually why my prac reports are done the night before and usually in class. And don't even mention my maths homework. I'm lucky Mrs Chew checks it in lump sum, otherwise it wouldn't be done daily. *sigh*

It's getting better though. I've been putting more effort in when it comes to homework. Like for maths, I actually put in a solid 45 minutes work and finished it all. Of course, when I tried to start on my biology, I just couldn't bring myself to doing it. I sat at my desk, stared at it for 5 minutes, then it was like "fuck it, I'm watching CSI...". I ended up doing it at 6am the next morning. Which leads me to waking up early. There are some times, which are completely unavoidable, that you have to wake up early to do something. And during the last few bits of the year, I just couldn't get myself up. Plus the winter cold conspired against me and I spent most of the time, lying in bed because it was warmer. Now you might ask, why not pump the heater on? I could, but I'd wake up feeling thirsty as hell and I would feel dry. The sort of dryness, when you're in the sun for a bit too long. Yeah. So I stay in bed. Since summer is coming around, it's now gonna be easy to get out. But what about next winter dammit!

When year 12 comes around, I'm going to test my willpower and put effort into every bit of work, especially for the first week. Then? I'll adjust to better suit my timetable and hone my willpower. That's for sure. Really.

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