Back on the Rocks
I tried to study for my upcoming MCQ exam but it just got too boring. Couldn't bear to read through the bloody notes, so it was back to the old stand-by of procrastination.
Friends have been bugging me about the next road trip, although you could argue that it's not really a road trip since we're never really travel that far, so with the free time I had I decided to some pre-preliminary planning. I still refuse to do any proper planning until after my 3rd block of clinicals, but I started playing around with locations and budgeting. One of my friends was so excited by the prospect that she sent me some accommodation options. They definitely look good, but everytime I look at the prices I feel a sharp pain shooting up my spine.
The current financial crisis have put my PC plans on hold. The prices for everything have decide to shoot up and my planned build was thrown out the window. So I'm back to waiting, although at this point it seems that I will be cursed to forever wait. I don't need the Aussie dollar to achieve parity with the US dollar (now that is a different can of worms) but getting it back to the old times of about 80-85cents would be welcome.Yeah, that's my reaction to carrots as well.
Carrots are awesome! You can get this lovely orange tan from eating too many of them, and they help you see in the dark (or so my mum says).
Actually, I lie. I always have to force myself to eat the carrots when I'm having curry and stuff, LOL.
Of course, potatos are t3h awesomest vegetamable around. <3
HOLY CRAP did i just spell 'potatoes' wrong??
Sorry you have to read this. LMAO.
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