Thursday, December 29, 2005

Boredom - The Revolution

So bored. You always fantasise about all the things you are going to do in the holidays and it, incredibly, turns out that you have nothing to do. I mean, there's reading Emma and Wild Swans, and the occasional brush-up on maths because you failed it hardcore, but there is nothing exciting. Nothing to get the adrenaline pumping hard and fast.

My holidays so far has been boring. I did go to the beach at Kurnell and relatives and all. It was actually alright, as my cousins bought this boat, with a proper steering wheel and handgear, so I was cruising away, putting my land-based driving experience to the open seas. The open seas, woo! Honestly, screw getting a car! I want to get a boating licence and a fast boat. Something that can tear up the waterways and let me go fishing occasionally.

Right now, I'm waiting for Monday 2nd of January 2006. I am going up to Iluka/Yamba in Queensland to indulge in some fishing and then a quick trip to the Gold Coast for some fun in the sun. It will be a week, so no posting on this blog for that time.

Right now, I am trying to find something to keep me occupied until then. I am capped for cable so I can't download stuff. Lucky for me, Bleach isn't coming out until the 10th of something, so I'm safe there. I might start building up my music collection, so I can have a stack of CDs to listen to during the trip, to complement my MP3 player. I wonder if OverClocked Remix has something. Maybe Anime Remix or VGMix...

On a side note, I finally have a bigger fan. Sporting a 40cm diameter, 3 levels of power and a nifty remote, I no longer have to sweat out those hot summer nights with my measly 25cm-something fan. And screw you if you have air-con in your room.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Just came back from cricket and I'm so hammered. I almost feel asleep, but a nice cold shower woke me up in no time. It was sunny, with some clouds in the sky, perfect day for cricket. It was year 12s vs year 11, but we got so smashed. Year 12s made it up to 150+ and when I left, we still needed 100 runs or so too match. It was dismal batting on our side. Maybe it was after lunch and having stuffed ourselves with KFC. Either way, we sucked bad. I got out for a golden duck. *sob*

It was still cool though. Getting together, playing cricket, the sun and the fun. It's hard to explain, but it feels good to get together and play cricket. Obviously there will be people asking "what's so fun about cricket? Such and such is much better" I would answer "well, what's so fun about such and such?" People will have differing opinions but I love cricket and we had a blast. Mi Zhou (Goatboy) even came, but he'd shaved his goat whiskers.

Another cricket match is in the works, but this time, I might bring an esky and fill it up with Coke and ice...lots of ice. A drinks trolley is a must for these summer conditions.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Linkage, Hilter-style

I'm reading one of my friend's blog and it's all nice and stuff, then I come along to a post. It's the results of one of those personality tests. Now I'm not really into them, but I was intrigued to learn it is a "What Famous Leader are You?" test. So I do the 45 questions to get the most accurate answer. I not expecting much, it's one of those "non-serious" tests. What do I get?

Jap Happy Music

For a long time, well, a relatively long time, I've wondered why on earth people with absolutely no knowledge, or very little knowledge, of the Japanese language would listen to Japanese music. This also applies to Korean music. I can readily understand that many J-Pop and K-pop (Japanese/Korean populat music) singers, whether male or female, are very good looking. That is probably a reason for listening to J/K-pop. Sure they're hot, but you can't understand what they are saying! These people are just listening to the sounds, with maybe a faint idea of what the lyrics say, thanks to translations.

Confession time! On this matter, I'm a fucking hypocrite.


I, too, listen to Jap music with only a very vague understanding of what the artist is singing, since I use translations.

Yes, what the fuck indeed.

To make it worse, I didn't realise that I was a hypocrite on this matter, until a few days ago, when I got my hands on the Neon Genesis Evangelion 10th Anniversary DECADE soundtrack.
This fact was furthur made clear, when I took out the Birthday of Ayanami Rei soundtrack.

So I soon sat down, horribly shocked that I was hypocrite. Never mind the fact that it was only on this matter. I was fucking hypocritical.

So what did I do to remedy this situation?

I got some lyrics translations and indulged in both soundtracks.

Well, shit.

Friday, December 09, 2005

It's no more!

MiG's World of Warcraft server just went down! Damn it! Why does have to die, right fucking now when I'm addicted to it?
Hopefully, a new test server will be up. Fuck, a Friday night wasted. Still, MTV European Music Awards...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Lost in the Cross

I wanted to post this earlier but again I didn't have time. Anyway, more important news. A couple of days ago, I did it. That's right I did it. Did what, I hear you ask? What I did was...I...skipped the canteen line.


No I'm serious. And it's a big thing for me.


Ok, maybe no that big but it's something.


Ok, so it's probably sounds kinda bad and lame, but I'm a believer that queues are the best way to get what you want. If there was no queue, there would be anarchy dammit! So despite that many friends became prefects, I never really felt right about skipping the line, bypassing all the blueshirts. Sure I got my prefect friends to buy for me, but it was sometimes and usually, it was a bottle of water. A lot of white shirts bypass the lines, so much that they just walk up say hi and step right through. Why? Because it's fucking addictive. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Imagine you are in a queue for whatever. Imagine, walking to the front of the queue, barge in and them get served. Bloody hell, I could get used to that. But it feels kinda wrong for me and so I haven't done it again...yet. Gotta control myself. Dammit, why can Nicorette make a patch or lolly for it?

Still, if you want to bypass the line, here are a few guidelines that you should abide by.

  1. Watch out for teachers. They can pop out from anywhere and if they don't see a prefect badge, you're screwed.
  2. It's best that you have another prefect skip the line and you follow closely. This maintains the illusion that you are important to the blueshirts. If you do know the monitoring prefects well, then walk on through.
  3. As a non-prefect, you should at least say a greeting to the prefects, by their first name or whatever if possible. A simple "Hey, guys" or "How's it going?" or "Hi, Susie" will suffice.
  4. During the act of skipping the line, it should be done as quickly and smoothly as possible. Remember Rule #3.
  5. Don't skip regularly. It becomes a habit and you may forget basic guidelines, especially #1.
  6. It helps if most of the prefects voted are your friends. Vote of them and get other people to vote for them. If you can't, be very good friends with them.
There a basic survival guide to skipping the canteen line. Of course, every school is different and rules may be different, but this is just a broad, overall guide. So start skipping.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Another Week much for my plans. What? What plans you say? To take over the world, of course! Now if only I can find those AAA batteries...

That was basically my week in a nutshell. Destined for great things but always pulled back because I forgot or lost something. Still, it could be worse.

This happened at assembly several days ago, although it's old news to most. I just want to remember this. So we had assembly in the school hall, since exams and everything were over. So it's plodding along and I'm dumping those thin Listerine thingys on my tongue to stay awake. Tripoloni was talking about the Science Olympiads and he mentioned that Yang got a HD in the Chem section. Yang was revising for our English exam later that day, so on hearing his name, immediately jumped up and walked up onto the stage. But the thing is that he already got his awards and this was just some lip service. So he got on stage and Trip was like "WTF? There's no award." So Yang had to step down and walk back to his seat, in front of the entire school. Hilarious? Absolutely, my friends. Ah school, can it get any better?

Of course, it was sprinkling this entire week and it was frickin' cold. I believe the term is "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey." Never heard of it? Neither did I until a day ago. So a lot of people had the sniffles and I worried about catching the cold off other people. I hadn't been sick in ages and I didn't want to fall to the common cold. Nevertheless, I was well prepared and dressed warmly. It caught my attention on one day, it was so damn cold, and there were still girls wearing skirts. They were were stockings but still wouldn't it be really cold on your legs? Do you refuse to wear trousers cos of fashion...etc or what?

Still downloading Bleach 1-25 but I'm at 80%, it'll be finished tonight for sure. Bleach 25-50, look out!