Thursday, April 20, 2006

Doctors and Concierges

TV is such a powerful medium. You watch shows, or commercials, and you can be inspired, good or bad. Seeing as the HSC is coming, and we will be entering Uni to study for our careers, it begs the question, what do you want to be?

I have been see-sawing for quite some time. When I read Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time the ideas and concepts were way beyond me (I was 13 when I first read it) and even now I can only get ~90% of what's going on. So at that time, I really wanted to be an astrophysicist. Study the workings of the universe, theorise a few hypothesises and maybe discover something that puts me on the map, like Einstein. Then I kind of fell out with the astrophysicist idea. It felt boring. That just propelled me onto another track.

Enter House. The drama of the rascally Doctor House hit a nerve. He was like a modern day Sherlock Holmes, and the way he solved his cases with logic really intrigued me. His views and often rude way he solved his cases were hilarious. And for a time, I wanted to be a diagnostician. Like astrophysics, it was a logic thing, but potentially more exciting, if you could call it like that. Life and death in the balance. It comes down to a split-second decision, with the patient's life in your hands. But medical school is something completely different. Just check here. And the blood and gore turn me off. Still, after rewatching season one, I'm not sure. It still intrigues me.

And, not amazingly, another TV show has caught my attention. I'm talking about Hotel Babylon. I', probably not up for the job of manager, but a concierge is mysteriously exciting. Setting up deals, scams to get more money and sourcing everything a discreet guest may require. Hmmm, I'm thinking about that too.

Still Hotel Babylon is still a bit away from the middle of the series, but does it look good? Oh yeah, it does. So now I waiting whether another TV series can offer me another job idea.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Whip it up

Only 11 guys at cricket. The year 12s..I mean...Uni dudes were off at Uni, so we couldn't have a team-vs-team match. So instead we decided that the winners would be the team that got the highest partnership of 8 overs ie 48 balls. Richard and Charles were the winning team, getting 68. Lesley and I managed 42, which was quite respectable. I took first hit of the day. Alwin bowled a speedy ball and it hit just under my kneecap. It hurt.

The drive to KFC for lunch was cool. Bill and Kevin both brought their cars. It was uncomfortable in Kevin's car. Michael, me, Richard and Harry were crammed in the back seat. Considering that both Michael and I are big people, it was squashed. Still the turns hurt Richard and Harry more than me and Michael.

By the time we got back it was too hot to play anything and we were too full anyway.We mucked around a bit, playing in the nets, a bit of soccer, this and that. But the coolest activity was our mini-golf. The objective was to use the cricket bats to hit tennis balls to hit a water bottle in the least number of shots. I know Kevin tooks some shots and record a short video. It was funny, with Alwin ending up as the undisputed champion, navigating the hastily laid-down obstacles to beat several challengers in a row.

Great fun all around. Maybe another time.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tone it down

Pardon the long abscence. Half-yearlys, of course. I think I might be doing well this time. Except for 3-unit maths. I probably didn't do that well.

So a 3-week holiday. Not sure what I'm going to do. Maybe some revision , but I don't plan on all-out study. My room is a sheer mess, with books, papers and stuff all over the place. I'm always grumbling about the mess, but I don't really have the spirit or willpower to clean it up. It can wait.

Cricket tomorrow. Nothing better than a little sport to get rid of all that stress. And the exercise and fresh air won't hurt me either.