Saturday, May 27, 2006

Laughter in Physics

Scene : In a physics classroom. Several students are huddled around a book, gathering answers for physics questions.

Phuong : Determine the velocity of Uranus...

Charles : ...and the momentum of gas ejected...


End scene

This actually happened. Hilarious.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ideally Speaking of course...

All this english adv homework caught up with me last night and I couldn't blog yesterday as I had planned. This is important following a revelation in Biology. Microwaving food with gladwrap still on can cause demasculation. Armitage revealed that apparently glad wrap has a chemical that is similar to estrogen, the female hormone. So microwaving food, still wrapped in gladwrap causes this chemical to be released and into the food. So bad news for guys. Charles was like "WTF?!" as he has been doing exactly that. What was hilariously funny, but not everyone probably heard, was that Land turned around and said "This explains everything Jimmy!" Yeah it sure does.

Usually I raid the fridge to eat leftovers for breakfast, because at this moment, I just despise cereals. I don't seem to get any energy out of them. Then again, I may be buying the wrong brand of cereal. So what I usually have is chicken coujons, ham and cheese. The coujons are basically a small stick of chicken with crumbly stuff on the outside. Ham is like the ham between sandwiches and cheese. Maybe a weird combo for breakfast, but it gets me through the morning without much cooking.

I was going to stay back and do some work in the library, you know, make us of my study period. Instead, I left early to pick up a ball that had gone over the otherside, whilst playing cricket. So I waltzed back to the school, changed my mind and continued to the corner shop to buy a Coke and a hamburger for lunch. That was a good decision.

Can't wait til the weekends. I'm beginning to feel dead tired.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It's now the Witching Hour

To procrastinate while I'm supposed to be doing work, and thanks to the high-speed nature of broadband, I browse a few webcomics. It's quick and usually hilarious. Well, I was recently reading a comic called Questionable Content, and the author/artist is a bit of a music junkie. He has a recommended list of music albums. One of these was an album called Witching Hour by a band called Ladytron. Here is his description:

If Ellen Allien's amazing Berlinette is the sonic equivalent of a sexy German assasin-cyborg, Witching Hour is the equivalent of an aloof, ironic (and sexy) London murder-droid. Gritty like damaged data, aloof like a girl too hot to associate with the likes of mortal man, melancholy like fog at night. Excellent electro-sex neu-wave rock sneering. Okay I'll stop now, this is getting pretentious.

So seeing that I haven't really updated my music collection, I got my hands on this little album and it turns out that its not to bad at all. It's kind of like electronic meets rock. It's a little weird, but I like it.

Year 11s on camp tomorrow. So we'll have plenty of space at school.

Rushing through chemistry practicals and doing some biology homework. I'll probably wake up early tomorrow to finish off the pracs.

Went to hockey training today, and no one was there. I was dogged. Woodbridge was a little fustrated that no one showed up. Lazy buggers. We're going to lose this year, I know it.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

That's Poker, baby

Mae West: Is poker a game of chance?
W.C. Fields: Not the way I play it.

Arrgh, gotta do all this stupid stuff for careers meeting. And there is science prac. Is this careers thing necessary?

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My Miracle Drug

Excursions are cool. That's a fact. But it's also true that some are cooler than others. Take this latest Biology to UNSW Muesuem of Disease. It was a great excursion. I pity the people who don't do Biology.

So we leave school and end up at UNSW with a few hours to kill. We go to this lecture hall for a physics demonstration. We were supposed to go to Randwick Children's Hospital, but they kicked us out at the last minute. Bastards. Anyway, the guy starts to demonstrate these little experiments, playing around with electricity and explaining things like voltage, current and electromagnetic induction. One cool demo was the Van der Graff generator, which generates static electricity. If a person with long hair stands on an insulated block and touches the generator, their hair starts to rise. So the guy asks for a volunteer with long hair to touch the generator. Who goes up? Land, obviously. For the simple reason that she has the longest hair. This guy isn't Fearnside, so he didn't want to choose a volunteer, but we pressure Land into doing it. The demo guy kept calling Land "Meriweather". Too bad no one took a photo, because it was absolutely hilarious when Land's hair started to rise. Another really cool demo was passing an electric current through a long chain of people. I was sitting in the third row, so I missed out on getting shocked. Charles had gone through it before at some Open day and described it as "like getting a cramp every second."

The demo ended early because there was a scheduling error and uni students entered for a lecture. Anyway, it was great fun. As usual, it wouldn't be a proper science demo without liquid nitrogen entering the mix. I got to find out how to get some. Liquid nitrogen is just so cool.

After that, we head to the cafeteria for lunch. I say cafeteria, but it was really a food court, with sections selling different types of food; Chinese, fish and ships, sushi, just to name a few. Most of us finished lunch quickly and headed to the UNSW bookshop. What was it like? Heaven. The sheer amount of books on interesting subjects was staggering and I just wanted to pick up a bunch of books and buy them. But they were hella expensive, price ranged from a mere $8 up to $120. Since the good ones were beyond my budget of $20, I had to pass. Land an Kathy discovered a little gem called "Why Do Men have nipples?" which answered a heap of questions in a hilarious manner, including the title question. Land initially didn't want to buy it. It wasn't an issue with the money. both Kathy and I offered to lend money, but Land was more concerned about the actual buying process. A girl buying a book called "Why do men have nipples?" disturbed her. But she bought it anyway, using Kathy as a proxy. They were chuckling on the bus all the way back.

The actual Museum of Disease was very interesting, and had not only actual preserved examples of disease. but also a digital collection of photos, some more disturbing than others. There was a very gruesome picture of a spine that had compressed too much, and it was from the point of view of a surgeon. It had a lot of red flesh and the spine standing out clearly. Some stomachs were turned, but during our free time, Yang, Khoa and Yehson started to search for imades of diseased testes and penises. The results were...intense. That's all I can really say. We spent the rest of the afternoon filling out a worksheet and looking at real specimens, a kidney that had a tumour, the black lungs of a coal miner, and a gall stone the size of an avocado seed.

This excursion had a strong root in medicine, and while I've always been squeamish with the sort of detail and gross things that you'll see in a career in health, I couldn't help but be absolutely fascinated with everthing. Its playing a torturous game in my head about my future carreer. Anyway, a fascinating little trip worth every damn minute.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Heaven Knows What...

Just came back from tutoring. This guy was doing planning on doing Chem but after choosing it, decided to drop it and choose Art. My tutor's reaction was priceless. But why art? He's a very decent maths and science guy, why the change of art? When the lesson ended, he made a quick exit, so I couldn't ask him.

And Koreans singers on Paris By Night?!? I come home and my dad is watching it, not that enthused since it's Korean. But I guess that after 80 something PBN events, what else are you going to do?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Arrgh, was it just me but I could not physically stay awake? All those days of waking up late, and now having to wake up early to catch the bus put a dent in me. I felt like I was punched in the face, and then kicked in the face for good measure. Ironically, I woke up to U2's Beautiful Day. It was a beautiful day alright, but the spirit and the body weren't willing to appreciate it.

I guess the only reason I managed to maintain some semblance of consciousness was the fear the Fearnside who ask me something and I would be dead asleep. Maths was probably the worst though. I asked Gough if there was any work due, and he responded in the affirmative, with 5 pracs and 5th dot point summaries. The dot spoint summaries I couldn't care about. But 5 pracs?!?! So I did what I could and copied done the main points of the pracs, totally ignoring what Sharp was talking about. So by the end of the lesson I scratched down some notes on the board and then determined to hand the Chem pracs tomorrow.

It turns out that there were no pracs due today, only the dot point summaries, which are due tomorrow. I was seriously pissed off at Gough for scaring the crap outta me. Still, no pracs are due until at least Monday next week, so I've still got time. What I'm worried about is Bio pracs. Charles has indicated that they are due tomorrow, but Albert and Land didn't confirm (A & L have finished it though). So bio pracs will take an hour or two, with the dot-point summaries taking maybe an hour. So, back to business people!