Friday, April 27, 2007


The mid-semester exams are making everyone serious. People now spend their time studying or discussing the subject. Even I have been spending some extra study time in the library. Woah!

Human Biology test today, encompassing the cell homeostatis and basic chem. It's probably the easiest test, we'll ever have. Only 40 minutes and all multiple choice questions. I'm a bit worried about the anatomy test, since there is a shitload of muscles and ligaments to remember. It's a week from now, so that gives me some time to study.

What I am going to do these weekends is to clean up my computer. I have all this stuff accumulated on my hard drive over the years. My Documents is so messy I have trouble finding stuff and don't even talk about my downloads folder. Some cleaning and a little defrag.

No updates for a while eh? Between the studying and being on the razor's edge of being capped, the internet has been ignored for quite some time. It slightly safer to use the net, only since my limits reset next month, which is like 3 sleeps away. So until then, no Naruto, no Bleach, no House and no Doctor Who. I've only missed a week or so, I'll probably be fine.

Study, study study....

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I've divided by zero! Oh shi-

Haven't blogged recently, so sorry about that. Mid-semester exams are ninja-ing towards me, and I have to start taking some action before I get ninja-ed.

Since yesterday, most of the lectures have finished early, mainly due to the lecturers tying up odds and ends in preparation of exams. Coming back from the break was such a slog. Once you get used to lounging around at home, having to wake up and get to Uni on time so that you don't miss that essential lecture becomes hard. But there are some lectures that I don't want to miss and there are some that I can, so eventually things will balance out.

Work on our group presentation is progressing well, if slowly. Apparently other groups haven't even started. Things will get complicated nearer to the due date, so that's why our group is (attempting) to start now, to lay down the framework, so after exams, we can get this thing done.

Back to study now. Unfortunately, cramming is much less effective now, and I have a lot of shit to revise. So here's a little something for the short post:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Prepare for Glory

The mini-reunion I guess sloppy organisational work, and private work prevented more people from attending. But just because it was small, didn't mean that the entire day was wasted.

So only eight people showed up, including me:

  • Jack
  • Lesley
  • Alex
  • Charles
  • Kathy
  • Land
On the way to the movies, we shared tales and stories from uni, and there was quite a nice representation of the unis Seftoners went to, USyd, UNSW, UWS and MacU. We had 3 Com/Laws, 1 Engo, 1 Pharm and 1 Med. But enough of that. What happened?

300 happened, that's what. This is not really a film that you would analyse about the plot, characters or symbolism. This is a movie to be enjoyed with your brain switched off and taking the delights of the raw, visceral action onscreen. I found 300 to match the hype. It is an excellent action movie with some witty dialogue. And it looks and sounds fucking gorgeous! Best line of the movie? There's plenty, but for me personally, is when Leonidas starts to walk off to talk to Xerxes and he says There's no reason we can't be civil, is there? and one of the Spartans replies Not at all, my lord while plunging his spear into the chest of a wounded Persian.

After we finished watching the movie, we walked down to Market City, and stopped by the food court. A whole bunch of food on offer, but I bought a kebab and chips. You can't go wrong with kebabs unless you OD on the garlic sauce. More talking this time, everyone was sharing their experiences about driving, with everyone present either has the Ls or Ps. Apparently, Lesley's tutor class thinks he's gay, because of the whole skirt dancing thing at the concert.

Galaxyworld was next but not a lot of money was spent. We did the rounds and the girls managed to racked up like 100-something tickets. I went to one of the games and on my second try managed to score 500 tickets. Phuong, if you're reading this, it was that Wheel of Fortune game. Added with some other tickets I think the final reading was like 600-something tickets. My tokens were gone by then though. Well another day.

From there, we walked to Central and headed off, getting off at our respective stations. Seriously, I would mind another day like this (with more people maybe) but that's maybe later down the track. It's just interesting to hear other people's uni experiences and catch up with some old friends. Maybe near the end of the year or something. We can organise something bigger.

When 300 comes out on DVD, I'm buying it. Seriously, it's a keeper.

200 posts on this blog. Quite a long time, considering the length of other Seftoner blogs. Hopefully, this will keep going for a while longer.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Beware of the Bug

Ah Monday. Easter Monday. Supposed day of rest for the just. But I should know better. There's no rest for the weary.

Tomorrow is a little day out for Seftoners, but already it has hit a snag. Phuong, the other organiser, has managed to fall sick today. So she's out and that catches me flat-footed, since I don't know the city as well as her. So now I have to break out the street directory and Google Maps. Now shit happens, on a daily basis, but apparently Phuong has frequently cancelled at the last minute before. It's like some bug takes out Phuong right before events that she organises or whatnot. I heard that she cancelled on Land and didn't even tell her, so Land stood waiting at the cinema for ages.

But again shit happens. Phuong is hit with nausea like a sledgehammer pounding her stomach. So if she can't go out at all tomorrow, then there's nothing much anyone can do. So, Phuong, stay home and get better. I was about to say "Don't do this sort of shit again" but there's enough anecdotal evidence that it will.

The mini-reunion thingo is still on, but I might have to take it slow otherwise we'll get lost, or maybe call the day short. Just rock up anyway. At least we get to find out how uni life has been treating you.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.

Note to self. It is possible to make your own poster on the cheap. That said it took a little bit of effort to finely align the separate papers together to from the overall poster. That said I think it looks quite nice.

All in all it took nine pieces of glossy photo paper to print out. I was about to do a 5x5 piece but the picture was a bit stretched and the pixellated. I still have a bunch of glossy papers left. So maybe another one another time. But I'm running out of useable wall space.

So I had to do a few errands today which involved a little bit of driving. Driving's cool until you run into a bunch of idiots that just make you swear. On one stretch of road, this sports car stopped and the driver had a conversation with some dude outside. Stopped right in the middle of the road. Just having a chat. Oblivious to the fact that a 20m line of cars were waiting. I was about to toot the horn, but the Toyota car just ahead to me probably had a pissed driver. The Toyato gunned the engine, and overtook the sports car but, deliberately I think, rammed the tailgate of teh sports car and took off. The drivers of the sports car chucked a fit and took off to hunt down the Hilux that rammed him. The sports car only went for about a 100m before smoke poured out. Serves the bastard right. I hope he cries tonight.

Happy long weekend people.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Those Who Learn Must Suffer

I've finished my radiation shielding assignment and submitted it today. It's like a burden has been lifted from my shoulders. Now I can focus on my other assignment. So far I have only 2 assignments and consider myself lucky since other courses have much more.

Next week is the recess week. So an entire week off to take stock on how Uni is going. And it's going quite well. Also tomorrow I only have 2 hours worth of lectures before finishing at 2pm. I might have to take public transport home since my brother doesn't finish his exams till 3pm. Then Good Friday.

Which is good, since I have to go over to my aunt's house to check her computer. The net access is fuzzy and apparently keeps dropping. It might be TPG's fault but I'll probably do that ant-virus and spyware thing before making any conclusions. And I have to go on Friday, because on Saturday it's my other aunt's birthday, so a whole bunch of people will be getting together, and that gives me a reason to clean up my room. Papers and books everywhere man. A little bit of mess has been proven to increase productivity and efficiency, but I way beyond the threshold. So some cleaning to do.

The worst nightmare for a Uni student? No, scratch that. One of the worst nightmares for Uni students? To find out that you somehow forgot totally about an assignment and find out it's due tomorrow. Now that's some pressure. This was basically decided when I was chatting with Nam over MSN.

Me: that's like 4 assignments
Me: they'll sneak up on ya and ambush you for sure
Nam: gee steven, i'll sleep soundly tonight.
Nam: T__T!
Me: you're minding you're own business one night
Me: then one assignment pops out "sneak attack!"
Me: and it'll be due like tomorrow or something
Nam: omfg
Nam: worst nightmare
Nam: EVER.

Anyway, besides a mini-reunion day for Seftoners during the break, I'm planning to do a little test. I'm a big fan of Evangelion, and you may remember me mentioning that I had a poster of a Dalek from the new series of Doctor Who. Well, I've been keeping an eye out for some Evangelion posters, but none seem to be around that suited me. But here's a pic that I like:
Apparently that's a Nissan Skyline in the background. So I'm planning on splitting the bigger version of the image in smaller A4 sized sheets of paper, so I can make my own poster of it. Of course, this means some glossy or photo paper and a bit of ink. So I have to buy a new colour ink cartridge and some paper. Probably do a stop at Officeworks after I finish fixing my aunt's comp. I'll report later on how that goes.

Until next time.

Monday, April 02, 2007

From Death comes Life

What a day! I don't like Mondays, simply because it means the start of a new week that I have to slog through. At least, the week long easter break is holding promise. It's like a brief respite before diving once more into the storm.

Anatomy practical today, as always. It was pretty good. We had to identify the bones and joints of the lower limb, so the lab people gave us like an entire leg to examine. But we could tell that the leg once belonged to a guy. Because it was still attached and cut in half. Our group refused to flip it over, but apparently all the plumbing and glands are still intact and in relatively good condition.

Then came the dreaded 3 hour break. I don't know why they put such massive breaks in. I don't need 3 hours for a break. Give me a hour or a hour and a half at the most. My group meeting for our presentation was cut short, because we all honestly agreed that any work done would be minimal and possibly non-constructive. So I dashed off to lunch and had a chat with Sophia before her next lecture. It's fun to find out what other courses are like and how things are going with old schoolmates.

But the highlight of the of the highlights of the day was when I went to the iPoint counter to book a CPR course before my clinical. iPoint is the frontdesk of the student guild of Cumbo. Anyway, during my short walk there, I noticed two guys with two paper plates full of whipped cream. I was like 'wtf?' because I thought they were going to eat it or something. So I get to the counter and as I wait, there's some birthday party going on, and, yes, the two guys picked up their plates, circled around then shoved the cream into the faces of the two (presumably) birthday girls. Hilarious. Hilarious. One girl didn't take well and was pretty peeved off at getting whipped cream on her face and hair. The other girl took it better, but was stumbling around because the cream was messing up her contacts. Hey, that gives me an idea! Whose birthday is up soon?

Lectures were the same as usual, and my last lecture was with our Borat-sounding lecturer. Against mostly basic chemistry, so I booted up my iPod and took it easy for the hour. The second highlight of the day was when U2's Beautiful Day came up. I don't know why, but that song always bring a smile to my face for some reason. I can have a shitty day, listen to Beautiful Day and it will cheer me up a bit.

Any movies worth watching? I'm liking Mr Bean's Holiday, 300, and Pirates of teh Carribbean: At World's End, but it does kind of suck watching it alone. So if you're planning to go watch a movie during the easter break or even on the weekends, just give me a heads up. I'm usually free on Fridays and the weekends.