Sunday, November 27, 2005

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Almost a week passes and it seems that time flys right pass you. No posts for a while, but hopefully I'm back. So what's happening? Harry Potter 4, that's what.

Call me crazy, but I like the Harry Potter series. Okay, so the 5th book wasn't so hot, but Rowling does a damn good job in creating a very believable world of witches, wizards and magic. And anything that pisses Christians off cos of the witch theme is cool. My friend knows his sources and is going to get me a copy. In my opinion, the books are much better but i like the way the films turn out, even though they have to skip some of the parts.

Ages ago (not that long really) our physics group went to Luna Park for our "Physics is Fun" excursion. And it was fun, going on all those rides...all in the name of physics. But what's really cool is that Goo brought along a camcorder and was taping us Sefton students going on the rides and our reactions. He was selling DVDs of the trip for 2 bucks, which I promptly purchased and watched. Now, Goo is no Spielberg, but watching the excursion again was kind of cool. The only nag I have is that all the video credits go to Goo. It can't be a one pony show! We gotta get a couple of other people with camcorders and recording our future excursions.

Now Sunday is coming to an end, what else do I have to say? I'm downloading Bleach 1-25 cos I keep hearing how its a really cool series and currently Naruto is on a shit-full of filler eps. I managed to catch Smallville, which is pretty good. I've been interested in comics lately and while I've been getting my dose of Marvel Comics (Fantastic Four, X-Men...) I've always loved Batman and Superman for DC Comics. Obviously when Batman Begins hit the screen, I was stoked and it's a really great film. Plus with Superman Returns coming out soon next year, I really need to grab some of their comics.

Finally, most of you (yeah, i'm looking at you imaginary audience) may be wondering what happened to my ill-fated attempt at writing some short stories. Well, I've been writing them and I think I might set up a separate web-site where I can dump my stories. The Rushing Storms is turning out to be way more massive than imagined. Damn it! That's what happens when you drink Coke in the morning. The sugar and caffeine shorts out your rationality. And I have another idea in the works. It's going to be a darker, more supernatural type of thing. I'll probably try and get this idea off the ground next weekend.

Till next time.

Friday, November 18, 2005


Its been 2 days since this event happened and I deliberately waited that long for me to cool off before posting. Now we all get fustrated through life and many times we are whisked to a furious rage. Now I don't angry easily. Annoyed as hell maybe, but never really rip-your-head-off angry. But on Thursday, an event occured that threw me into such a fit of rage that I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat and couldn't think properly. In hindsight, it was like raging over spilt milk but it was very hard not to feel angry and disgusted. This is the event.

Now, the back oval is currently off-limits, since they are doing some renovations and all the soil is like upturned. So we can play on the oval otherwise the grass dies and we end up with a mini-desert in our school. So we're playing cricket at the nets, which are right next to the back oval. The inevitable occurs and a ball lands on the oval, less than 2 meters from the edge. So a mate goes to get the ball and this teacher stops him from stepping on the oval, due to the rules. He comes back perplexed and silent. Later, Zee gets a ball then step onto the oval to pick up the earlier ball. He takes around two steps onto the field, picks up the ball, then takes two steps back on to the asphalt. Instantly the teacher stops him and starts telling him off for picking up the ball. A few more friends back Zee up, using reason. The ball was a couple of meters away, and a few steps wouldn't damage anything. It's just one ball, for the entire lunch period. Instead, the teacher stubbornly sticks to the rules, then, in a move that defy all logic, confiscated the tennis ball. She said if we wanted the ball back, we would have to see Fitzy, our deputy principal. Now that creates an outrage.

It's obvious the rules say not to step on the oval, but this is just a ball on the fringes of the field, not in the middle. Zee is a light guy, its not like he's trampling on the oval to deliberately mess things up! If it was the middle of the oval, then maybe we may have left it. But it was barely 2 meters away. What, were we supposed to leave the ball there forever until work started on the oval and some workman throws it back to us? But this teacher's stubborness, stupidity and arrogance left us furious. When lunch ended, Cricketman went up to the teacher and asked for her name, so he could refer this to Fitzy when he went to get the ball. The teacher rufused to divulge her name, saying it was no of our business and when Cricketman tried to reason that Fitzy was a busy man, and a name would speed things up, she raised her nose up and then called Cricketman "arrogant". Now Cricketman is not an arrogant person in any way, and this was insulting to the point that Cricketman seemed to snap and was ready to retort but we held him back. To this date, we still do not know her name. She's definately in the English department, has relatively short curly dark hair, and speaks in a highish voice. I'm sure you guys will know here immediately. Remember her, because she is a prime example of a person who stubborness and narrow-mindedness leaves her unable to adapt to situations and this incident reflects on her teaching capabilities - crap. I'm damned tempted to throw in "racist" as it was a bunch of Asians and one Sri-Lankan. Fuck it, she's a damned racist as well. So take heed, don't become like her. Yes, there are rules, but they will NEVER be able to cover every situation and its up to you to make decisions based on your judgement and what's happening.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


All quiet on the Western Front, eh? Nothing much to post about and with quite a bit homework, I didn't feel the need to post. But what's a blog without a post every now and then?
It was recently that I actually stopped what I was doing and started to feel the moment. To just sit there and not get a fuck about anything. It started when my parents were nagging me about schoolwork, the future and how come I'm not like someone else, yada yada. While I know that they are trying to look out for me, the nagging reached an unbearable point and I quickly stepped outside and sat down on a chair with Coke in one hand. I just sat there and stared at the view in front of me. And I didn't care any more. I didn't care about tomorrow's homework. Fuck it. I didn't care about the pressure my parents put on me. Fuck it. I didn't care about my future, whether I end up working in an office with air-con or struggling in a factory. Fuck it. I just sat there for half an hour, occassionally sipping my Coke, staring at the clouds.
Then the moment fizzled over, I dumped my Coke can and went back inside. Now having a moment where I didn't need to worry about any burdens or anything at all, it felt so good. I felt invigorated and ready to tackle anything. Which I did. I tackled Physics, and Chemistry and managed to take down Maths and still feel alive at the end.
Now for some fun photoshop stuff I found. All credit is to the original creators at

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Stormy Night

Just a quick post here. Yes, I know about the counter comment to my previous post, but this is more important.
My dad just came home from a protest and I would like to say that it was a resounding success. At least 15000 Viets attending the protest at Sydney Town Hall and I'm hoping this jumps on to national news. Now, let do a bit of history.
A while ago, a bunch of Viets, 5000 or so, protested in front of SBS Australia about VTV4, a Vietnamese news channel run by the Vietnam government. The point? Those communist bastards are...well...bastards and their news channel will be filled with propaganda and bullshit which will pollute the minds of young Vietnamese-Australians. The result? SBS backed down.
Now, whats happening now is that the Communist Viets have brought over a 200-women entertainment group, doing dancing and all the jazz. Except its free. Obviously those commies want to do a little persuasion to the Viets in Australia that everything is better and try to entice the Aussie government and businesses to do business with them. But we won't. So there.
So of you maybe wondering why all the fuss about commies. I mean, wasn't like the Cold War over a decade ago? That's not the point. So the commies won the war, that was a big deal, it was bad for the south Viets. But what's worse is that after 3 decades or so, Vietnam has become, for the lack of a better word, a shithole. It sucks to live there. It's so sucky that people will risk their lives and dignity to leave. There are stories of young Vietnamese women basically selling themselves as wives to men in Taiwan to get away. If Vietnam is such a good place, like those commies gov people say, why are people so desperate to leave? Something's fucked up in Vietnam.
Just a point here, we wouldn't be hating the commie government of Vietnam if it actually made Vietnam a better place. Hell, China is prolly a better place, well the cities anyway. But Vietnam is a shithole and its the corrupt commie government responsible.
To all the Viets reading this blog, get your parents to support this rally and get the fucking commie Viets outta of Australia. The fucktards can go back to Vietnam and fuck things up until the next revolution hauls them down. 100.9FM is the radio station to listen to for this stuff. It's on at 7pm, not sure of the day though, but it was on Monday.
I hear that there will be another rally at Bankstown on Friday. Viet power, people!

Barking Sands

Well, my post several days ago drew quite a reaction. Looks like L.Phill and Fish have discovered my post and have struck back! Yes, they threw insults and barbs in a crude but effective manner and I have the need to reply back. Of course, I could quickly construct coarse retort, fill with thinly-disguised crude sexual metaphors, then laugh like a suicidal, incredibly evil maniac (some people say that my laugh is evil). But that's the easy way out. So check out the comments section of that post and let me go through this, point by point.


"...a few tall heads and whatnot, are exarcerbating the issue and making poor blind L. Phil unable to see anything..."
Well, she's blind, of course she won't see anything. A few tall heads can't make things worse.

"Roadkill. S would also like to add, she was having non-verbal eye contact conversations with L. Phil and Fish..."
Like a combination of sign language and Morse code with eyes? Sure, simple conversations might be fine, like "I don't know" but a complex talk involving the physics of the motor effect?
Yeah, right...

"...that Modernist man has a wide vocabulary, however, he tends to exaggerate situations and use inappropriate terms..."
Whoa! Hold it there! I don't exaggerate situations. If someone invades your country, you'd be pissed! Invasion or attempted invasion by any means, whether subtle or clear, is a hostile action by the offending party and the victim has every right to be angry and call it a hostile situation. And that's not exaggerating. In other words, I gave a clear-cut explanation of the situation and it wasn't exaggerated. And thank you for the compliment.

"Anyone who describes us, two defenseless, altitude deficient females, as 'ruthless' and 'hostile'..."
So you call yourself defenseless and attitude deficient females? Please don't kill yourself due to low self-esteem. Get out some more, meet new people and face new challenges. For 'hostile', well, it was a hostile action (see above) and as for 'ruthless', you must be if you graffitied Les' pencil case, making crude sexual jokes and generally putting him down. That was ruthless.

"If [you] thinks L. Phil and Fish are ruthless and hostile, he should see us when we have PMS."
PMS rage is overrated. I'll take you on, say, next month?

"...though i assure you if we wanted to, we are quite agile in classrooms (due to our small stature) and can easily displace a certain few blobs of white-clad flesh..."
*buzz* Nuh-uh! Classroom is a small enclosed area, and if you think you can displace a few blobs then keep thinking that. But remember those PE tests in year 10? I'm sure that, at the very least, I equalled you in every test. I know for sure that I can run faster than you and navigate the agility course better than you. Displace me? Large mass x large acceleration = pain for you.

"Who, moreover, have the paranoid belief that little midgets (we prefer small peoples) are racing to steal their seats at the beginning of every class."
Not paranoid. That's what you're doing. You tried to steal our seats. Period

"We have analysed your behaviour- and have found it consistent with collected data on primordial primates."
We do share a genetic link to our ape ancestors. That includes you too.

"...that [you are] just feeling a tad left out, as he cannot as easily converse with Big K and Da Who..."
Yeah, we're separated and Big K is a really smart guy. We do miss the times of putting our heads together to solve problems. It was fun. But if you want to converse with Big K and Da Who, go right ahead. If I remember correctly, Fish likes anime. Da Who loves anime. Great guy to talk to if your in to other anime.

"You can stop fearing for your pride now as your seats are now safe."
Safe? Just because you're not going for it now, doesn't mean you'll won't go for it later. In this case, lightning can strick twice.

Well that covered most of the important points. Too bad they don't have a blog so I can reply personally, but what can you do? It seems that the main point of their anger (I'm assuming that they are, at least, mildly annoyed) is that I exaggerated the situation, bending and warping all truth out of shape. Now I don't bend or warp the situation. It was an attempted invasion. It's a black and white situation. Either you're trying to take my place or I'm trying to take yours, and this is a clear case of them trying to take our seat. Lez and Cricketman do share some of my sentiment. They don't want Fish and L.Phill to take our seats and I don't either. So don't force us out.