Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Confessions of an ex-Drama Student

I look at my timetable. Maths 3U, English Adv, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. All these subjects are interesting. I mean, I really like Physics and Chemistry, although Chem could be way better. But there are times when doing the "full science" can get to be a bit of a grind, especially when exams pop up. So I think to myself, haven't I done any subject that was fun? Computer Studies was a bludge. Sit down, turn on computer, zone out. But there is a subject that I enjoyed. Drama. It was fun, I met people whom I would never have met and could act without worrying about other people laughing at me. The drama classes were pretty segregated. I knew what was going on with the other class, but we never actually meet up and talk.

Anyway, the unique aspect of my Drama class was that there was only 3 guys, me, Bill and Lesley. The "trio", although there was a nasty joke, calling us "the threesome". We usually stuck together, and in my opinion worked the best together. Although we did tended split towards the end of the first year, some of our best works were when we worked together. A favourite act of mine was when in Drama, we were learning about miming, acting withour words, and we had to put together an act. Our act basically had Bill and Lesley as theives checking out this place to steal and me as a cop/interrogater/guard. Bill and Lesley were stealing stuff then I came on. Cue some fast-paced jazz, and I was chasing after them. Lesley got away with most of the goods and I caught Bill. Then I was interrogating Bill, pointing my finger, glaring at him, acting in a pissed-off and scary manner (which incidently, was my best act, more on that later). I locked him up, then Lesley came in, tricked me into looking away and then knocked me out, stealing the keys and freeing Bill. They walk off, celebrating with a drink, until I catch them again and throw them both in jail. It was pretty good, and that would be my defining memory of Drama.

Drama exams were relatively easy, except for the first one, constructing a mini-stage. I screwed that up. But the rest were alright, and I got decent marks for most of them. Mostly, the exams would be putting on an act as a group and then receiving individual marks. Another act that I really liked was the "Warren" act. If memory serves me right, me, Bill, Lesley, Sabrina and Phuong were in that and we bascially bullied Lesley, who was "Warren", to the point of suicide. The scene that stands the most clearly, was after Bill and I had finished pummelling Lesley to the ground and Lesley cried out "Why do you do this?" and I replied "Cos it's fun!".

Another time we had to act out a scene from a play and Lesley and I chose this play called "Whose Life is it anyway?" by Brian Clark. It is about a quadraplegic, Ken Harrision whose wanted to end his life, but the hospital prevented it claiming he was depressed, and it went to court and he won. I really wish I kept a copy of the script. But as a component to this project, we had to have a poster advertising the play. This was the first time I actuallyused Photoshop and it was pretty crappy. But it worked well and is now displayed in the Drama room. I believe it's still there on the wall to the right of the entry. And...here it is:
I was the judge presiding over the case and Lesley was Ken. Originally I was going to throw in a window with some light coming in for dramatic effect, but my Photoshop skillz was, and still is, crappy. I remembered that there was nurse who pitied the guy and I threw Phuong in there for emotion. She looks likes she crying or something, but she just covered her face, because she didn't want her picture taken. I made my eye red, as I was playing around with the settings and thought it was cool.

Dammit, I miss Drama. It was so free and secretive. You could do stuff that you know wouldn't spread throughout the school. The rule was "whatever happens in the Drama room, stays in the Drama room." And there were a few funny and embarrassing moments. Near the end of the course (this was the year 9-10 electives year), we wrote our names on paper and we passed it around for people to write stuff about. I notched up as "Most scary actor", due to the amounts of time I acted angry and I could raise my voice loud enough to jolt people.

That was cool. So back to full science revision.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Game of the Year

Nothing more to say I think. Credit goes to SomethingAwful.com

For those who are ignorant of the Grand Theft Auto series, click here.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Garbage In, Garbage Out

So how goes life my friends? Here we are approaching the midway point of our high school life. Can you imagine it? 13 years of education are over, with say 4 years of Uni afterwards, then our jobs (or careers, if you believe that crap). So that's what? 17 years minimum of education. We would be approximately 22 years old when we enter the workforce. What dreams will we accomplish and how will we change? It only seems like yesterday that I was in the final throes of year 6 and eagerly looking forward to high school and the distan HSC. Now I'm in the death throes of high school, with the HSC becoming alarmingly tangible.

Success, failure, the future and obstacles. All these things weave in and out through my mind. Some issues rush through like a fast-flowing stream, while others are dull and sluggish. The possibilities of success and failure are beginning to haunt me.

Besides all that, there comes about thinking what are YOU going to do? What course will you study? What job do you want to aim for? Those questions are supremely hard for me to answer. I like Chemistry and Physics. I could have moderate success in the workforce, especially Chemistry. I'm interested in Biology, especially after we watched "Prescription for Survival". Medicine floats through my head, mainly du to "House". I flirt with the idea of being a diagnostician. There are always little fragments about being a teacher. But all that marking?

There are only hard paths. If only there was a shortcut. Or two.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

To the limit with another crisis

So I'm fixing up my notes for the Chemistry assessment tomorrow and what happens? I find something to take my attention away from this important work. In the online game I play, there's a market, where one can buy and sell players. Naturally I wanted to make my team better, so I found a splendid player that would have cost me $50k. But this player was quite good and so a bidding war began. Now I really wanted this player and since the bid ended at around 10:30pm, I decided to throw caution into the wind and go all the way to get this player, even if it meant risking bankruptcy.

In the end, I failed. I simply did not have enough funds to compete. I know Charles has paid in excess over $150k to get a player, but I simply did not have the money. Damn it! I was so close.
Take a look at the screenshot.

So now I have to try my luck at another, slightly crapper player. And finish up organising my Chem notes.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


I received a pleasant suprise yesterday. No, not another car accident. My mother bought me an iPod nano. My brother wanted one, and she brought two so it would be fair. Thanks, mom!

I know some people don't really like the iPod, saying that it lacks useful or convienient features. That's probably a fair point, but I think it's popular because it's stylish and easy to use. The click-wheel makes everything so simple that I can't imagine an mp3 player without it. It stores music, files and photos very well. I had some trouble installing it and it took almost all of yesterday to get it working properly, but, well, that's in the past now. So some photos:

Friday, March 10, 2006

Let's tip the bloody thing!

So I was lying in bed, half asleep. I was trying to take a nap but not fall into a dark sleep. Anyway, I hear this massive crash and rush out to the kitchen to see what happened. It turns out that this van had tipped over onto its side. Two young Arabs jumped out of the van and bolted away. They either had stolen the van or didn't have a licence and couldn't drive properly. Cops and ambos showed up like 5 minutes later. Ambos weren't needed as there was no one heut. The fire brigade showed up later and they worked on tipping the car back over.

I didn't completely lose my mind. I whipped out the digital camera and snapped off two shots. Here they are.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Dig Deep

I have a topic test on log and exponentials tomorrow, but most of my time is taken up with physics homework. Fearnside is alright, but his homework sets require some deep thought. The pissy thing is that there is no answer for you, either in your notes or textbook. It's more like playing connect-the-dots. Like when the Bush Administration played connect-the-dots to determine Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and ended up with a jumble of lines. I spent 1 hour to answer 3 questions. And I'm not sure that they are right. Strangely, Google is no realy help. I know the result, but not the why, and the combined, collective knowledge of Google and Wikipedia were unable to explain why.

The only good thing that came from it what that I worked and concentrated like mad to find the stupid answers. I swear the house could have caught on fire, a hurricane could have hit the house outside, or the Day of Judgement could have arrived and I would have sat there tearing my hair, screaming why the hell does the photocurrent depend on light intensity and why does the electron's max kinetic energy depends on the frequency of light.

I have answers, but they are long-winded, messy and uncertain. I'm hoping that there right, if simply for the fact that I would be pissed if I went through all that work just to be wrong by one word, which screws up the entire answer, because of that one word.


As for the earlier failed scam, I'll be doing it again, but much safer and using lower prices. The admins fined me $190k to "even it out", so I'm down to only $123k from $359k. So I'm going to try again. Unless I fail multiple times, and if I did I'd just give up. No use looking like a damned fool.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Okay...time for round two...

Previously, I mentioned that I was bending the rules for this scam. In short, it worked, but failed. Details? Well, not too much then.

It is an online text-based simulation game. In this game, I create my main account and put a crap person up for sale. No, it's not some weird prostitution game or anything. Then I created a 2nd account to buy the person. It worked and I was a lot richer. But. There's always a but, eh? Well, I thought I got away, but in my rush to complete the scam I didn't hide myself properly, and the huge amount of money paid for such a crap player drew attention. So I sent some emails, blaming it all on my brother and his selfish ways. I explained away his 2nd account and him buying my crap player to trick me. And I notified them that he possibly attempted to create a 2nd account and for them to delete it. I didn't mention anything about the extra cash or about any possible punishment. Hopefully, they will see me as innocent and won't take action to delete my main account.

This does shatter my plans, as now my next scam is permantly put on hold as I wonder what to do. I can put a crap player up, but buying him straight away for a large sum of money draws attention. I know that they found my 2nd account as I didn't take precautions to hide it properly, but it's still possible that simply hiding won't be enough. I need to think that out more carefully. I could create two accounts and enter in a bidding war over an average player, but that's on hold until I make a decision. Main problem is that there is only a small amount of players and things take time which makes it harder to slip by. Damn, I might have to play by the rules.

Of course, one may ask why try to cheat in the first place. I think that it's natural to find a way to gain an advantage over other people, especially if the method is perceived to be easy with little risk. It all crosses our minds, but not all of us cheat simply because either we lack the means to do so, there is too much risk or it's just not practical. So I'll wait and see. At least I have an idea of what they're capable of.

A thing worth having is a thing worth cheating for.
-W.C. Fields (1880-1946)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Such a despicable time...

So here I am, it's past 11pm, and I'm making sure a little scam of mine is going to work. I assure you it's nothing illegal, merely...bending the rules a bit.

So what to do to past the time? Study? Nah. Chat on MSN? Not me. Read Wild Swans? Hell no! So instead I opened up my friends' blogs and read them. It strange in a way. To me, most of them seemed a bit like mine. A bit of personal life, what's going on and the odd rant against the world and its injustice. The others are more like cries of anguish and pain, wondering if where is light at the end of the tunnel and even if it exists at all. A different person, with less knowledge of modern school life, may be wondering if the said bloggers are considering suicide. But I know the feeling, if briefly. The feeling that you're out of control, that events control you rather than the other way around. The dark dank despair that gushes up and flickers across your vision, making things murky, making it hard to distinguish between friend and foe.

For me, I seem to have adopted a devil-may-care attitude to the future. In one sense, I'm digging my own grave unless I really start doing something to get decent marks. But I do feel less stressed, less despair. Problems come and go, and I flow with them. Obviously I try my best to avoid getting stuck in problems, but if I'm caught by the storm, then the only thing I can do, or anyone can do for that matter, is to ride out the storm and hope you remain in one piece at the end. But in a situation where time is running out, and there are dark times ahead, can I really afford to be so carefree? Possibly not.

But I really believe that a balance must be achieved in some way. To stress and despair about life is bad for your health in general. Questions are asked that cannot be answered. Going with the flow rather than paddling against the tide seems a much better alternative. Of course that's just me speaking. I hate conflict. It really gets on my nerves and gets in the way of things. That's why, to this day, I have never had a full-blown argument with my parents. I accept my fate as passively as possible. One may think that such passiveness is not such a good characteristic. One needs some fight, some mongrel, in them. To rise up when life pushes us down. Sometimes I dream of what have been if I had been a bit more assertive, a bit more aggressive and a lot less cautious.

But those days are gone. I am who I am. I cannot force myself to be someone else. So I do things my way, avoiding attention, attracting obscurity. Thank god for Wikipedia. It can be such a distracting thing against the flow and ebb of life.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Another brick on an overloaded truck

Need to get my new bus pass. The driver busted me for having the old one, but I just told him, the new passes haven't arrived until tomorrow and I still got a ride home. Must pick it up tomorrow, recess, yeah.

I stayed all of lunch and took the bus home. Right now, my mother and brother are stuck, since the car has a flat tyre. Dunno what they will do, but I'm safe at home, so there isn't much I can do except act as support. Maybe I'll get to skip tutor!?!

Science assessments are beginning to pile. That's what happens when you go full science. I'll start physics research on the weekends.

All these things to worry about. *sigh*