Friday, February 01, 2008

Escape from Westmead

Another week of clinical is done. For the past week I've been working Emergency and while there are days where it was tiring, there were also days where it was downright boring. The weekends have never looked so good.

On Thursday I went out for dinner with some friends mainly to discuss our differing clinical experiences. We went to this awesome restaurant called Sahara at Parramatta near the bus stop. The food was great but no pics because I don't do those and I was starving at that point. I had some dish that had thin strips of lamb with bread and these sauces. Along with a couple beers and the meal went down swimmingly.

Also a few hours ago I had to put together this cabinet-slash-drawer thingy for shoes. It took almost two hours because of the shoddy engineering and near non-existent instructions. Well it did have instructions but it was a few small pictures with some pathetic labeling. I guess it did work my reasoning skills quite hard, but it works well now. My mum both that on a whim, because it looked good in the catalogue. I think it is a complete and utter waste of money and space. She doesn't have enough shoes to justify buying a little cabinet to store them, but what can I say?

That incident reminded of a time that I went to Westfields in Parramatta. I went to buy a book and get some gift cards. One of my uni friends was with her sister in Westfields and say me but she didn't say hi because "I looked very a man on a mission". I guess that the way that most guys go shopping. Generally speaking, of course, guys only go shopping when we need to buy something. We need to get that console game, that new book that just came out and maybe a new shirt because the old one is ripped. Less window shopping, more mission. Since then I've noticed that whenever I go shopping I have a clear definite list of things I need to buy and I go in, buy the items, then go out and home. Women tend to window shop and buys things on impulse more. Just a few observations.

Also bought Halo 3 for my brother. I've pretty much finished all of Mass Effect and a new game for the Xbox 360 (it still lives!) is just what the doctor ordered. And BSS finally managed to sub the remaining episodes of Moyashimon. And I'm uncapped so cue the downloading spree.

Man I'm tired. Clinicals really take a lot of you.

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