Faster than the Speed of Light
Finally, finally, finally, the timetables were available online and I got my hands on my own timetable. Many thanks to Kathy for telling me that the timetable server was now online. It took them long enough.
My first look at the timtable was horrible, because I though I had 8am to 5pm days. Then I saw the gaps. Then I saw that I had all of Friday off. Then I saw that some classes were on certain weeks. So for the first day of uni on the first week, I start at 2pm and end at 5pm with a 1 hour break. So only 2 hours of lectures. I pretty much end most days by 2pm, except in the 8th week onward. It's not that bad actually.Take a look. Apparently Pharmacy is a bit more hectic. Which reminds me. Check this little thingy out. It's the history of medicine in a paragraph.
"I have a sore throat."
2000 BC : "eat this root"
1200 AD : "That root is heathen, say this prayer."
1500 AD : "That prayer is superstition, drink this elixir."
1800 AD : "That elixir is snake oil, take this pill."
1900 AD : "That pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic."
2000 AD : "That antibiotic is artificial, here why dont you eat this root?"
Still capped. Until next time.
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