Thursday, January 25, 2007


I'll be out of communicable range until Sunday evening. For the Australia Day long weekend, my family is going camping in Swansea and indulge in a bit of fishing. A few other families will be going as well. I say camping, but it's not in the wild bush or anything. It'll be in a caravan park so there will be showers, toilets and kitchens.

Had one of those deep sleep moments last night. I went to sleep at 11pm and then woke up at 5am, feeling perfectly refreshed and ready for the day. It was a deep dreamless sleep, and I felt fine today. Hmmm...6 hours of sleep only? Usually I need and few extra hours.

Those of you who do medical courses or whatnot that require clinical placement will undoubtedly receive some notification about getting all your vaccinations shots of the most common diseases. So today I went to the doctor to get a blood test to see what shots I need. And I have to find a Chest Clinic eventually to screen for tuberculosis. But what about the uncommon-but-common-in-hospitals diseases? I keep hearing about MRSA and that sucks man. Oh yeah, and I need to get a first aid certification somewhere along the line as well.

Overall the confirmed number of people going to USyd Cumberland has increased! David Vuong is going and Sabrina is going. That leaves Sophia and Nam to be confirmed, but since Sophia is doing Speech Pathology, she's probably most likely to go to Cumberland as well.

So now the fever of enrolment is over, it back to boring days until Orientation swings around and then finally Uni!

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