Sporadic Times
So what's happening everybody? Right now, I'm bored and the month of February is starting to offer the same. At the end of the HSC, I was like "hooray, 3 months of holidays!', now I'm like "let something happen.."
So what do people do at home during this time, when they are not out and about and having fun? Playing games, reading books, obsessing over things...me? The ocassional game, cricket and chores. It seems that I spend most of my time now cleaning the house, doing the laundry, scrubbing the dishes. Since my parents are off at work and I have nothing to do, I've taken over the main role of mess exterminator. Which is a tough job for someone who creates mess like me. Granted though, this role has given me an epiphany. Cleaning sucks, but necessary. When I buy a house, I'm going to put my vote for a single-story house. Can you imagine trying to clean a two-story house, juggling a job and children. The future is far off but fills me with dread.
But messy is the new neat. According of Eric Abrahamson, a professor of management, 'moderately messy systems outperform extremely neat ones'. Apparently, people who have extremely neat and organised systems (read:rooms and tables) devote energy to cleaning it up when that energy could be put to more better use, like family time or creative stuff. Finally scientific evidence against cleaning my room. Hey dad, mum! I'm not cleaning my room at this moment because it is more efficient! That said, it does note that a moderate amount of mess is productive. Too much and you won't get anything done because you can't find what you want. The professor has a book out about this subject; A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder. Sign me up for one.
A friend of mine was going through his history stuff, cleaning it out and so on, when came around some notes he had copied. Funnily enough, one part stood out. HitlerxMussolini. For those not in the know, in fan fiction, authors sometimes romantically pair characters together using this format so for example taking Naruto as an example: Sasuke and Sakura becomes SasukexSakura or Sasukura, like TomKat or Bradgelina. The pairing doesn't necessarily have to be straight either. Ironically I did find a single line of HitlerxMussolini, but it was rather disturbing. Basically involves Hitler's moustache. *shudders* Let's leave it at that, ok?
Waiting until tomorrow. I'll be uncapped then. I think House season 3 is not up to episode 11 and I'm waiting of Doctor Who season 3 to be released, but it probably won't come until April-May.
And I think Phuong has deleted her blog, again. I'm assuming anime addiction. At least, I hope it's anime addiction.