Saturday, October 28, 2006

There is nothing to fear, except fear itself?

Physics was alright. I was expecting some really hard questions, especially for astrophysics, but it wasn't that hard. For other physics devotees, what did you write for that magnet falling on copper, cooled to -50 degrees C? I don't think the copper would be a superconductor at that temp...I just threw in Meissner Effect since I have no idea.

Maths exam on Monday. It's alright, but I know that I'm more or less screwed for Maths3U. Still, I'll just do as many questions as possible and ride that one out. Bio and Chem are last. I think I'll be alright for Bio, but I can't seem to be able to get my head around Chem. All the stuff I have to remember...did the past papers pretty badly though, so I might chuck in some extra revision time for that.

Now here's an idea that the Board of Studies should consider:
Jack: hows your study going?
Me: cool
Jack: lol
Jack: your the only one who seems to be enjoying it
Jack: I say they should ban all studying
Me: yeah no study for hsc
Me: you pass on what you remember over the past 2 years
Jack: damn rite
Jack: and if you study, instand NSA
Me: yeah
Jack: you made a non serious attempt at not studying!
Me: hsc would be so much cooler with no studying allowed

Seriously, if that concept ever got voted in, the HSC would be more competitive, since no study is allowed! It will be a whole new revolution in examinations. Students getting zeroes because they studied. No cramming, no stress, just walk in and do your best! Hey, that should be the slogan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you can't exactly catch people cheating on that exam though. like what? are the BOS gonna stand outside my bedroom door and make sure i DON'T study?


as for that question, i wasn't really sure. i said the magnet would slow down more than the first, cos less lattice vibrations, so less resistance, more eddy currents to oppose it? i don't know. i didn't mention meissner effect...because i didn't think -50C was enough to make it a superconductor.