Friday, September 01, 2006

You live and learn. At any rate, you live.

Writing a skit has been an enlightening experience. Given the chance I would never do it again. Then again, I might change enough to do it again. Writing is tough. Making it funny to the majority of people is difficult. I've never been a fan of slapstick or crude jokes. Yes, they're funny but you can only laugh so much. I like more wordy jokes, jokes that rely on puns, irony or satire. Intelligent jokes if you will. But since those types of jokes actually require some thought, it's not ont everyone's wavelength.

Also, following the 2Unit skit, there was a bit of fear around. They were funny, because they were so lame. That's not to say they didn't try. They did try hard, and they deserve kudos for them, but it showed the problem of not really appealing to everyone. Reviews were mixed and most poeple could not say that it was definitively funny. But this fear should stop us. I have knowledge that Bill is working on a skit, it's rather random, but quite funny in its own right. I also know that my skit is pretty much done, with only practice and minor adjustments.

There seems to be a whole lot of dancing and music, which is the staple of a year 12 concert. Then occasionally you get some really good shit. Anyone remember that martials arts/game skit-thingy. That achieved a nice balance to physical action and comedy. Hell, they could have gone all serious and stuff, but they mixed it up with some funny stuff. Still, I'm quietly confident that this years Year 12 will maintain the bar of excellence.

UNSW C+C Day tomorrow and I'm attending due to some interesting lectures and courses. I know a whole bunch of people will be there, and just to let you know Charles and I will be trying to meet up at 9:30am at Central. If you want to join, you're definitely welcome. City Hunter afterwards.

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