Djobi Djoba
End semester exams are two weeks off, so serious (*cough*) study mode. That said I do have a little this and that to do.
Found a possible job just a few days ago. It's in a warehouse, decorating Christmas trees and then shipping it off to the customers. Sent my CV in and dude emailed back wondering if I could work today and the weekend before the official interviews. Couldn't work today, but told him I could on the weekends. He probably wants to assess me and see how I go. I do hope to get this job. Christmas is coming around the corner and it's mighty hard to buy stuff if you're broke.
Almost a week ago, I remember have a little discussion with my friend about razors and shaving. Yes, guys can talk about shaving. He was extolling the virtues of the Gillette Fusion, the one with five blades and saying how good it was. I was a bit skeptical but interested. I use a standard three-bladed one and its cuts alright. I might pop into the shops and buy one to test out. Everytime I shave it starts to grow right back out after a day.
Also watched Friday Night Download. It's not that bad. I remember Channel 9 or 7 had something similar but I think it's off the air. The videos they choose are quite good. Like there was one of those Japanese educational ones that encourages little kids to use the toilet. It's a good mix of the weird and wonderful.
Funny little email also popped into my inbox. From an old primary school friend called Noah. It's been ages since I've last seen him, 2005 was our last reunion if I remember. Apparently he goes to the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. All thanks to Facebook. It's turning out to be quite a useful social application, despite the massive amounts of vampire and werewolf invites, but at least that's dying down now. To be honest, without Facebook I doubt I would ever have any contact with him again. Despite that, it does have it's drawbacks. There's no delete function, so you can't delete your profile and I think it's too easy to steal someone's identity and create a Facebook profile of them. Still, so far the benefits seem to outweight the risks.
And listen to some Gipsy Kings. Awesome guitar stuff. I wish I could play a guitar that well. I never seem to have the discipline in the first place.