Sunday Bloody Sunday
Almost a week passes and it seems that time flys right pass you. No posts for a while, but hopefully I'm back. So what's happening? Harry Potter 4, that's what.
Call me crazy, but I like the Harry Potter series. Okay, so the 5th book wasn't so hot, but Rowling does a damn good job in creating a very believable world of witches, wizards and magic. And anything that pisses Christians off cos of the witch theme is cool. My friend knows his sources and is going to get me a copy. In my opinion, the books are much better but i like the way the films turn out, even though they have to skip some of the parts.
Ages ago (not that long really) our physics group went to Luna Park for our "Physics is Fun" excursion. And it was fun, going on all those rides...all in the name of physics. But what's really cool is that Goo brought along a camcorder and was taping us Sefton students going on the rides and our reactions. He was selling DVDs of the trip for 2 bucks, which I promptly purchased and watched. Now, Goo is no Spielberg, but watching the excursion again was kind of cool. The only nag I have is that all the video credits go to Goo. It can't be a one pony show! We gotta get a couple of other people with camcorders and recording our future excursions.
Now Sunday is coming to an end, what else do I have to say? I'm downloading Bleach 1-25 cos I keep hearing how its a really cool series and currently Naruto is on a shit-full of filler eps. I managed to catch Smallville, which is pretty good. I've been interested in comics lately and while I've been getting my dose of Marvel Comics (Fantastic Four, X-Men...) I've always loved Batman and Superman for DC Comics. Obviously when Batman Begins hit the screen, I was stoked and it's a really great film. Plus with Superman Returns coming out soon next year, I really need to grab some of their comics.
Finally, most of you (yeah, i'm looking at you imaginary audience) may be wondering what happened to my ill-fated attempt at writing some short stories. Well, I've been writing them and I think I might set up a separate web-site where I can dump my stories. The Rushing Storms is turning out to be way more massive than imagined. Damn it! That's what happens when you drink Coke in the morning. The sugar and caffeine shorts out your rationality. And I have another idea in the works. It's going to be a darker, more supernatural type of thing. I'll probably try and get this idea off the ground next weekend.
Till next time.