Sunday, March 12, 2006


I received a pleasant suprise yesterday. No, not another car accident. My mother bought me an iPod nano. My brother wanted one, and she brought two so it would be fair. Thanks, mom!

I know some people don't really like the iPod, saying that it lacks useful or convienient features. That's probably a fair point, but I think it's popular because it's stylish and easy to use. The click-wheel makes everything so simple that I can't imagine an mp3 player without it. It stores music, files and photos very well. I had some trouble installing it and it took almost all of yesterday to get it working properly, but, well, that's in the past now. So some photos:


spookymulder said...

cool, your mum's all for equality. how many gigs?

The Wanderer said...

2gigs and i just bought a powerpoint recharger. finally i can go somewhere and recharge my ipod!

spookymulder said...
