Saturday, February 11, 2006

Deviously Shifty

So the weekends are here, and so ends the second week of year 12. It's been a bit of a slog, but, I guess it's time to really up my game if I want something decent out of it.

Funny story time! Well, depending on your views, I guess.
Thurdsay, we were playing cricket at the nets and Richard was batting. He smashed my Swingking over next door. I say next door, but it was just outside the back gates in a driveway. So the usual rule is that if you lose a ball, you pay the ball's owner $4 or get a new ball. Since this is a Swingking, that cost $10, the payment was upped to $5, nevermind the fact that I got it free from KFC. So Richard plans on waiting until school ends and to rush out to grab the ball and give it back to me, so he doesn't have to pay the fine. He's in F-block, so he really needed to haul ass to get the ball and I didn't trust him. I then realised that 4th period I had Biology in A4 and that I was much closer. So Charles and I schemed to get the ball before Richard, make him pay the money and then split in 50/50. It worked. Richard thought the ball was gone and payed up $2 and NZ$1, with the rest to come later.
Of course, Richard was notified on Friday, and he wanted the money back. I acted as if I had no idea just to rub it in and agreed to give the money back, as I didn't have the money on me.

Hopefully though, he'll forget through the weekends.

News to gamers: Halo 2 will be available ONLY on Windows Vista, Microsoft's next-gen OS that will replace XP. And that just sucks. I hope there's a way to get to work on XP. Bloody Microsoft.

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