Sunday, December 09, 2007

On Occasion

I've basically decided to bite the bullet and buy an Xbox 360. Despite my fun experiences with the Nintendo Wii and the now less expensive PlayStation 3, the games I really want to play are on the Xbox.

Knowing Jimmy, he'll probably drop a comment noting that I am mistaken in my choice, the Xbox 360 is shit, and with a month I will curled in a fetal position, sobbing, because I got screwed over. And on the balance of probability, he'll probably be right. But I'm taking that risk. There's a whole bunch of games that I want to play that are only on the Xbox 360 and not on any other platform. Mass Effect is a prime example.

I'm going to go buy it at GAME (they took over GameWizards) since they have the Pro bundle with 2 games at only $499. And I'll probably throw in an extra controller, maybe an extra basketball game for my bro and some extra warranty stuff. That'll probably add another $150 at least.

I already have my eye on Mass Effect. Too bad both EB and GAME sell it at $100. I've found a site that sells it at $77 with free shipping. Oh, the wonders of the internet. Unfortunately, my coffers will be sorely depleted. I might get some money for Christmas or maybe flog the unwanted presents over Ebay. And maybe get a job. No wait. Can't really do that. My second year of uni has 18 weeks of clinical Mon-to-Fri and unless it's weekend work I can't do it. If it were weekend work, I'd be so tired.

Now, once I have an Xbox 360 within the next few days, I should probably try to convince my dad that a new HD tv would be good. Space will be an issue, so I don't think I might be able to get those big plasmas. Bah, I'll cross that bridge later.

And when will this writer's strike end? House ended weeks ago and I need my fix. At least Doctor Who will be unaffected.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're exactly right steven.

but last time you bought the DS and the R4, i realised you also bought it for $50 more than u shud've.

if u wanted an xbox360, you can get one for free at strathfield car radios.