Saturday, September 03, 2005

Competency...have that and you're set.

Those at my high school will know that the 2006 Prefect Nominations are beginning. To nominate yourself, you grab a form, write a few sentences about why you want to be a Prefect, what you would bring to the Prefect group and a list of things you've done to deserve you appointment to Prefect. Thankfully, the administration decided to reduced the number of prefects to a mere 20 and my hopes have raised. Hopefully, competent prefects can be choosen.

The prefect life is not for me. While being a prefect is all important, the day-to-day watching of canteen lines and organising charity drives do not appeal to me. Furthurmore, if I was a prefect and watching the canteen lines I might get into a fight. I hate people who push-in. They just barge in front of you, bumping you down. As a prefect, instead of either ignoring the problem or saying "can you please move back?" only to have them push-in again, I would be like "Oi! Get the fuck back! Stop pushing in, bitch!" Of course, the probability that a fight would occur and that I would lose is like 90%. So I did not nominate myself. That does not stop me from hoping the "good" prefects will get appointed.

When you submit your nomination form, it gets passed around all the faculties and teachers will add comments saying why you should not be a prefect. The forms with the least comments are selected and the students then become prefects. Now there are some people who should not become prefects. Not because I hate them (though that is a possible factor) but from the way they work and play at school, they would be lowering the standards of prefectship and botch everything up. Thankfully, I know that at least one good prefect will be selected and that's Gough. Not only is he competent, he's reliable and I know him well. His nomination reads like a resume for a CEO at some global company. Since he will set the standard, all the crap prefect-wannabes will be dropped. Hell yeah!
By the way, check out Gough's blog.

This little rant also reminded be of a TIME article. Ali Saeedlou wanted to become Iran's Minister Oil, a very powerful position. He had no oil experience of any kind but boasted a Ph.D in "strategic management" from Hartford University in America. But some MP asked Saeedlou how he obtained an American doctorate while still living in Iran, Saeedlou had to admit that Hartford (no relation to the University of Connecitcut-Hartford) was an online university. Obviously, the Iranian Parliament blocked his appointment. My questions is "what is strategic management?" It sound so insane. I want one.

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